Prolotherapy for Pain Relief & Tissue Repair

Healthcare professional applying a knee brace to a patient with an injured knee during prolotherapy treatment at Optimize Performance Medicine.

What is Prolotherapy?

Prolotherapy, also known as proliferative therapy, involves the injection of a natural irritant solution into the affected joints, tendons, or ligaments. This solution typically contains a concentration of dextrose, which stimulates the body's healing mechanisms, leading to the repair and strengthening of weakened or damaged tissues.
Natural Pain Relief

Offers pain reduction using the body's healing response.

Tissue Repair & Strengthening

Enhances tissue regeneration, boosting strength and durability.

Reduced Inflammation

Effectively diminishes inflammation in treated areas.

Improved Mobility

Increases range of motion and functional mobility.

The Prolotherapy Process

Initial Assessment

Comprehensive evaluation of your condition and pain areas.

Prolotherapy Injections

Administered at the site of pain or injury.

Post-Treatment Care

Guidance on aftercare and any follow-up sessions.

Conditions Treated with Prolotherapy

Prolotherapy is effective in treating conditions such as:
  • Osteoarthritis: Particularly in knees, hips, and other joints.
  • Tendonitis: Including tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, and Achilles tendonitis.
  • Chronic Ligament Strains: Such as sprained ankles or wrists.
  • Back & Neck Pain: Caused by weakened ligaments and tendons.
Patient undergoing prolotherapy treatment, highlighting conditions treated with prolotherapy at Optimize Performance Medicine.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the expected recovery time after Prolotherapy?
How many Prolotherapy sessions will I need?
Are there any side effects associated with Prolotherapy?